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So, i just finished watching Earthlings. Its a documentary about how animals suffer for human gain, be it in the meat industry, clothing, sport or scientific research. My eyes are well and truly opened. They were opened before but that just was quite a reality check. Its so disgusting how people think they can just do whatever they want and treat fellow creatures like shit just because. What I took away from it is this, 'Most people think suffering is justified because the victims are not members of one's own group'. This first sentence could be used to describe every war and conflict virtually on this planet, and its true. Think of how many wars are fought over the opposing people being different to the aggressor? Its like 'okay' just because this person is not like 'me' we can harm them or kill them and 'somehow, they will not suffer as I will' So, it makes suffering okay. Its dehumanisation at its simplest level. Its what the Nazis did to the Jews. This quote explains what I'm trying to say well...

Leo Tolstoy: “As long as there are slaughterhouses, there will be battlefields.”

However, in the context of the film, Earthlings, the above quote reads, 'Most people think suffering is justified because the victims are not members of one's own group, i.e. not human so their suffering is somehow warranted. People have completely the wrong idea. They think just because they are top of the food chain that they can be lords of all they survey, when in reality that privilege comes with a responsibility. I think people aren't going to stop eating meat anytime soon, but I hope more people will realise the inherent suffering that goes into your steak.

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