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Work and exhibitions

So, I'm waiting delivery of a 1 x 1 metre canvas to start work on it for the show. I think it got delivered to the local depot, so I have to go and get it. I also need to take delivery of two packs of posca pens (the pens that I draw on the canvas with) as well. I bought a quantity of them because they wear out really quickly; the surface of the canvas is really rough and wears down the nib, plus you need a lot for such a big piece. I think I'm going to draw the buildings slightly bigger than normal because I don't have alot of time to finish in it. Better to be finished than not finished. I'll see anyway, maybe it would look better if it were more detailed. I'll post updates of it, on here and on my facebook/instagram as well. I'm excited about this canvas. I get bored sometimes drawing the buildings, but the final effect is really good. My favourite thing to draw are the little people, especially the ones on bicycles. I want to be known as a painter of people, not buildings, but people like my townscapes, so its tricky.

I'm currently listening to The Clash, I haven't listened to them in such a long time. I remember I first bought their album when I was at college. It was a double album and I used to listen to it on my CD player. Lol, blast from the past. A CD player!!! My favourite Clash song is Train in Vain. After much deliberation I can confirm that is it the best of their songs. At least it is in my mind.

I have another show lined up in October at Peppers cafe in Gloucester. The Guildhall offered me another show, but I don't have a studio to work out of now and I think I pretty much exhausted everything in my last show. I'm thin on the ground with ideas at the moment. I think I need to paint from life more. I have been doing some portraits so thats a start. I turned down the show at the Guildhall but I would be up for one in the future when I'm in a better state of mind. Maybe that was a stupid decision. It was so stressful last time, organising everything. I suppose the stress is a sign that what you're doing is actually worth it. I need to bear that in mind. I'm thinking of painting portraits for my show at Peppers. I don't want any one style to limit me, I want to be free to dip in and out of different mediums and subjects etc. But, I think my drawing is one on my strengths and definitely something I need to gravitate towards more.

I'm going to a live music show tonight, should be good. Its at Boston Tea Party. I love that place, the staff are so nice. The acts they had last time were really good. I feel ill though, I have a sore throat from drinking coffee (for some reason) and I feel more comfortable staying at home. Once I'm out I'm fine, but its just the initial push to get out that is the problem. I'm not a hermit, but I used to be when I had TMAU, I wouldn't go out at all then, in case people commented on the problem. I feel for anyone who still has that problem, it has to be the most socially crippling disease, and people just don't understand.

Anyway, I'm going to get ready to go out now.

Peace out.

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